ZhùJiào Côme
Born April 17, 1989, supervisor in an electrical design office,
Côme begins his practice of martial arts with wrestling at La Riche
which he continued until adolescence.
During his university studies, Côme joined the Shun Wu Tang branch in Ballan-Miré,
first Shun Wu Tang branch in France, founded in the late 90s.
In August 2015, Grand Master SU validated the black belt of Côme he became Shī Xiōng
Shī Fù Martin leaves Tours for the Basque Country in 2017.
In order to broaden his knowledge, Côme begins the study of Chen style Taiji Quan
with the Pierre-Chêne-Tao association in Cheillé, under the teaching of Denis CHOPINET.
Mr. CHOPINET is a disciple of Jean-Jacques GALINIER, a student of Me DING Dahong. This master comes directly from
the CHEN family lineage (11th generation, student of TIAN XiuChen, disciple of CHEN Fake)
Côme is named “Zhù Jiào” by Grand Master SU, following his 2nd degree in 2023.
He is responsible for supervising the Branch of Tours under the supervision of Shī Bó Martin,
with whom he continues to train.
First class tuesday, Septembre 10 th 2024
Course on tuesday, 19h-21h